Thursday, December 8, 2011

My how time flies

Two years ago today I was flying home from 13 weeks in Swaziland. I was so excited to be coming home and to shower and sleep in my own bed. On my very long flights home all I could do was dream about what was going to happen next. I wanted to go back to Africa soon and knew my life was going to very different. Little did I know.

I look back now and think if I only had a small clue of what these past two years would look like I would have died. These past years have been hard but absolutely amazing. Even though I often long for Swaziland and to be back there with my teammates I am so glad I’ve been here doing ministry and experiencing life. I have the most incredible friends who I met after I came home. I have learned so many lessons I couldn’t have learned if I was anywhere else. I’ve worked at the coolest places doing the coolest things. I’ve lived with some freaking amazing women. I’ve seen God work in ways I never could have imagined. and He has used me in ways here that I couldn’t been used in Africa. I could go on and on. I mean seriously though just look at my last couple of blogs…hello God is so cool! So good. I know He will send me back one day and as much as I long for that day I need to focus on the tasks at hand. Let me just brag for a second on what amazing things God is doing with me here. He is allowing me to serve the most wonderful woman and her two sweet boys. I mean come on dude what did I do to get this gig? Nothing. Pretty cool. Not only that but He got me this job at my church, let’s just talk about that. I get to serve the college students in this area and do the coolest stuff with them? Yes please. But once again what did I do to get this? Nothing. His provision is so COOL!!! Its gets better and better. I helped start two community groups that are thriving and growing constantly….whoa back this up. me? Mollie? Holy moly. I can’t help but point to Jesus on all of that. I in no way am capable to do any of that on my own. Nope can’t even try and claim that as my own doing. I live the best life, I have hardships and struggle with a lot of stuff but He is good, constantly, always. Today yesterday and always.

Two years ago I had no idea what was about to start. I couldn’t have guessed even close. I miss my teammates, I miss living, working, playing and growing with them. They taught me many lessons and showed me what community is. I am so thankful for each and every one of them, they helped mold me and shape me into who I am today. I also miss my Swazi’s. I know God has a plan for my teammates and my Swazi’s. I am truly blessed with the community I am surrounded with right now, working and living and growing with. I couldn’t be more blessed. And  I am so excited what God is going to do in the next two years!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Holy crap tomorrow is my 23rd birthday! Where has the time gone? I am totally aware of how young 23 is, however I cannot believe how fast that came up.

This last year has seriously flown by so quickly, it seems like just yesterday I was in Disney world with Justin and Nicole celebrating my 22nd birthday. Sheesh.

This year really felt like the year of abundance. I am over whelmed just thinking about how much has changed and how much God has given me, His provision is flawless.

I think what I am most looking forward to on this birthday is how I’m starting it out. The first thing I get to do tomorrow is go to the staff devotional at Flatirons church! How cool is that? And right after the devo I’m taking my staff photo for the website, um hello best birthday present. I swear tomorrow just keeps gets better and better, after I take my picture I then I get to go to the staff thanksgiving lunch. I am so excited.

I am so thankful for all the lessons I learned this year, even though most of them were hard I know that they were shaping my character and making me grow. I’m also so very thankful for all my wonderful friends. I seriously have the best friends a girl could ask for. They love me unconditionally, support me through it all, listen to me vent, put up with my ridiculous laugh, allow me to be me even when its not always the prettiest or most loving, hold me up when all I can do is cry, call me out when I’m wrong (which is more often then I would like to admit) and are always encouraging me. I am beyond blessed with the people in my life.

I’m looking forward to this next year in my life. I am so excited to see where God takes me and what He has in store. And if 23 is anything like 22 its going to be incredible.

Bring it on 23! :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

a little recap on summer.

For some odd reason I always think October is the official end to summer, I have no idea why.

So with the “official” end of summer comes PICTURES!!!

This summer was full of boys, I was constantly with Brandon, Grant, Kaleb, Mikhail and Khalil, which is good because those five boys also happen to be my favorite boys. :)

This summer was hot one, let me tell you. My house was built in the 60s or something so of course that means no A/C, my car is slowly dying so that means no A/C oh and it was like 100 every day! Haha I’ve lived in worse but still not ideal.

September was a very busy month. Brandon and I started our new community group and the first month was amazing, lots of new and old faces. I really love how quickly my little living room fills up on Thursdays.

Grant, Brandon and I threw Kaleb a little birthday party at my house on his actual birthday since Bianca had to work late. It was fun, we played, watched a movie, ate and had lots of presents!

We took Mikhail and Khalil to the aquarium and the museum.

Bianca threw Kaleb a big birthday party with a jumpy castle.

I also hosted a bridal shower with an Alice in wonderland theme.
Like I said its been a busy month. I love how God works, I say that a lot but its true. His timing and provision are always perfect. I will never get over it.

 one happy boy!
 handsome boys arent they?
 Bianca is so beautiful!
 they loved the jumpy castle.
 kaleb was ready for cake.

                            such a serious kiddo.        

 Kaleb LOVES his Mr. Grant, so does Khalil
 Mikhail at the museum.
 the bridal shower table.

Monday, October 3, 2011

wasting time.

The other day I read one of the most amazing blogs. It was about how we waste the years of being single looking for the right person and whining about why were single when in all reality our single years are the best time to grow closer to God and to discover who you really are.

“….making the most of being single means being on your own. It’s just you and God. Being single is about discovering who you are. Setting personal boundaries, knowing your likes and dislikes, your passions, and the desires of your heart……if you don’t know these things about yourself you’re going to date the wrong person. You will end up living a story that is unintended for you.”

I just love that quote. It sums it all up. Being 22 and single means that this is my prime time to grow and learn, however I wont lie this is really hard to live out because I am at the age when most people meet their spouses and get married and start having kids, so its easy to become impatient or distracted.

Lately I’ve found peace by reminding myself of His promises. His promise that He has plans for me (Jeremiah 29:11), that He will fight for me (Exodus 14:14), that He will finish what He has started in me (Philippians 1:16) and that inspite of this life being hard He wont ever leave me (John 16:33). Because the truth is with or without a husband God will follow through on those promises. There is no time like the present to live those promises out.

I highly recommend everyone to read the blog.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Busy Bee

My word I’ve been slacking a lot lately. Goodness. Well this summer flew by much too quickly. I’ve been super busy with work and church and so much more. Sometime back in July I started babysitting for a girl I work with (who I now call my sister) on Saturdays, which has been so much fun. She has two very handsome little boys who each time I watch I fall more in love with. A couple of weeks ago I took them swimming, Bianca and Kaleb joined us, as well as our amazing guy friends Grant and Brandon. It was so much fun. I loved watching these two grown men melt over three sweet boys who needed love. I love how God uses us, His humble servants to show His love.

Bianca and Kaleb moved out :( we cried. I miss them so much already. Bianca is going back to school and will be taking classes in the evenings so it makes sense for her to move back home that way she isn’t picking Kaleb up at 10 O’clock at night. But doesn’t change that I miss them.

I am so proud of her though. She is the best mother for Kaleb (and father if you ask me).

This week is the last week Brandon and I are leading the Longmont/Lafayette group, after this week we will be splitting into two groups. One in Lafayette and the other in Longmont, Brandon and I will be leading the Lafayette group and hosting it at my house. As always prayers are appreciated.

Sometimes I just can’t get over that this is the life God has given me. He has redeemed me, given me a new start, provides more then enough of everything and He lets me love and serve His people in the coolest ways. It blows me away, He blows me away.

My community group recently went through a relationship series by Andy Stanley. It was really good for everyone in the group, especially for Brandon and I. after our last break ups we both came to the realization that God is giving us this time to work on ourselves and to prepare for our future spouses, which is pretty cool. Its hard to say admit this because I am so impatient but this time is really important because I get to further prepare for my FH (future husband). This time is my time to grow in the Lord and to focus on my ministry full time without distractions, but with that said I’m also trying to keep an open mind to dating again. Guarding my heart while keeping an open mind….harder then it sounds, let me tell you. Man FH is going to be one lucky fella ;)

I can’t say how thankful I am enough, I am so thankful for my family and friends, community and Lord. I have an abundance of love and support. God is so good.

I can’t post a blog without mentioning my residents. There are days when I feel like old people are going to the end of me, but most days I feel so blessed to be serving them. One minute they are yelling at me for who knows what and the next their telling me how pretty I am. Recently we had some tile replaced at work and some pretty good looking young men were doing it and all the little old ladies were right outside the bathrooms where they were working making sure they all got a good peek at them. one of my residents we’ll call her “Christina” kept asking them personal questions like “are you single?” “where do you live?” and lots of others. As soon as he told her he single she went up to her room and put on make up and did her hair. Later she came back down to tell me she was going to get his number for me….suuuure for me huh? Haha how sweet of her… the rest of the week while they worked she flirted. Killed me. gotta love em.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bucket list

I’ve been thinking a lot lately just about life and how I want to live mine. Years ago I made a “realistic” bucket list. On it were things that I could do in my life time. I have no idea where the list is now so I’m thinking I need to make a new one, so here it is:

-see Kings of Leon in concert (I got tickets for September, I’m stoked!)

-see Britney Spears in concert.

-see Mumford and sons in concert.

-Visit all 50 states. (I’ve been to 27 or 28)

-adopt a baby from Swaziland

-go back to Swaziland

-live in another country and do missions

-become a Photo Journalist.

-go to Russia

-go to Greece.

-send a message in a bottle.

-write a book

-blog about all my adventures (I love blogging)

-write my love story

-have a reunion with the girls I went to Swaziland with.

-have a house with a screened in porch.

-be in a music video

These are just some of not so obvious things I want to do, I do want to get married one day and have a couple dozen (well maybe not dozen) kids of my own. But one day I want to do all of these things. I love adventures and I love telling the stories.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

summer has arrived!

My goodness it’s been awhile since the last time I blogged. Oops :)

Well I’m not going to lie a lot has happened in the last two and half months. I am single and mingling (haha) got a new roommate, working more and started a bible study with some of my best friends.

Last week my very best friend moved into my house which was a blessing for all involved. Alaina really needed a place to live that was cheap but close to work and Bianca and I needed a new roommate. So far so good. Prayer for protection over that relationship is much appreciated.

I recently started leading a bible study with three of my best friends; we’re currently studying Genesis and getting down into the start of it. It’s been really cool to see the seeds that I’ve been planting for years growing some fruit. It’s a little intimidating knowing what I say has such a big effect on them and their spiritual growth. So once again prayers are appreciated.

Its summer time which means I will be incredibly busy for the next three months with all kinds of fun stuff…bbqs, pool parties, bonfires, lake trips, camping and so much more! I am so excited but a little be nervous seeing as I’m working full time at one job and part time at another…. Builds character I know.

God is so good and I am truly in awe of Him and His provisions. I get impatient and restless at times but man He is so good. I am so excited to see what He has in store for the community group I am leading with Brandon, I am also so excited to see how He uses me with this new bible study. I can’t get over that He wants to use ME to help these amazing girls. So cool. As summer starts Brandon and I have sat down and tried to wrap our minds around how our community group and friendship has grown. We are both so blessed to be a small part Gods plan for this community group. We love watching everyone grow and come alive in Christ. So far it’s been a ton of girls and a few guys so pray for Brandon and the other guys; they could use some company :)

My dad with the help of our wonderful friend Grant (MR. Grant as Kaleb calls him) built Kaleb a play set in the back yard with a sand box a couple of weeks ago. What a cool blessing for Bianca and Kaleb.

I am truly so excited for this summer and all that God has in store, as always I’m a bit anxious and impatient but the excitement has kind of taken over at this point.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our house

I feel like its time I talk about my house. About a year ago my parents started thinking about buying fixer-upper and housing single moms in it until they get on their feet, but didn’t really take much action into looking for one. Then this last summer when my friend Bianca and I got close I presented an idea to them. The idea was for them to buy a house and rent it to us. Now in order for this to make more sense I have to tell you about Miss Bianca. Where do I even start? She is easily one of the strongest women I know. She is one of the most wonderful mothers I know and she is the best friend a girl could ask for. She has a 3 year old son named Kaleb who I have fallen in love with; he calls me Grandma wall-e. Bianca got pregnant while in High school and made the life altering decision to not only carry the pregnancy to full term but to keep and raise the baby. Her morals, family’s support and love and God have been her foundation throughout the years. She put her self through medical assisting school and found herself a great job at a dermatologist’s office. She managed to do all of this with some help from her sons father but he hasn’t always been the most supportive( I’m trying to be nice seeing as it’s the Christ like thing to do but I wouldn’t mind giving him a piece of my mind….I mean telling him how much Jesus loves him). Her family is definitely the most supportive family I have ever met, and the most loving. They not only have loved and supported her through it all but also made some though choices like making her be finically independent, which if you ask me is the most loving thing they could have done and still wouldn’t let her sons father sleep in the same bed as her. I could go on and on about how wonderful she and her family are…..

Now back to the house…so I presented the idea to my parents and then the next night had Bianca over so they could meet her and fall in love with her as well. And that’s exactly what happened. That very week they went out looking at houses. And looked and looked for months. We thought it would never happen. Turns out God had the perfect plan for us and a house. In September Bianca went to court over custody over Kaleb, it was messy, stressful and very expensive and we were still looking for a house and everything was falling through. Then in December my parents found the perfect house, put I bid on it and finally everything was coming together. They signed the papers on January 14th, that afternoon my father started renovations. We moved in March 12th. The house has 4 bedrooms, 2 and half baths and a huge backyard. Looking back to this fall it is so obvious that God had His hands in it all, if we had gotten a house when we first started looking Bianca wouldn’t have been able to afford it. God is so cool, His timing and provision really are perfect. Plus this house is so much better then all the others we were looking at. We are so blessed. I am truly in awe of how God loves and provides. While moving in one of our incredible friends gave us his flat screen TV, after helping we move all day. Yet again God provided for us. Moving day was pretty awesome in itself, we had more then enough help, we have some pretty amazing friends. All day the verse I had a verse that kept popping in my head it was Jeremiah 29:11. This also happens to be one of my very favorite verses and couldn’t ring more true, especially on that day.

I will post both before and after pictures soon (we haven’t finished decorating so a lot of the walls look rather bare, and soon Kaleb will have his very own playset.).

Friday, March 4, 2011


Today was my Dads last day at the assisted living facility where we work togther and as I watched him clock out and walk out for the last time I couldn’t help but start to reflect on the man I call Dad.  My father Randy is not only physically strong but mentally as well. I absolutely love how he treats my mother. He buys flowers on all the correct dates and for no reason. He loves her without fail all day everyday. He calls to tell her how is day was even if he knows he is going to see her in a few short hours. He buys her all things she needs and wants and more. He takes time out of his busy and stressful days to make sure she knows how much he not only loves but adore her. My father also provides in fun and important ways for me. He has set the standards high for my future husband. My father takes me to lunch on my days off and will sit and talk with me for hours. When we worked together he would go and buy me lunch without any hints from me.  When I was a kid he would take me on father daughter dates to Rockies games, movies, dinner and other places.  And after school every once in while he would take my brother and I to get ice cream. Back in January he bought a house here in Lafayette, put a good chunk of money into remodeling it so that two of my friends and I could live in and rent it from him.  He volunteers every Sunday at church. He is involved in many incredible organizations. He protects me from things I need to be protected from. He has instilled the morals I have, he taught me how to shoot a gun. And even bought me pink gun for my 21st birthday.  He scares off potential boyfriends. He fills up my gas tank because he knows I forget often. He washes my car when its been months since he last had because I pay no attention to how dirty my car gets.  He loves Jesus and isn’t ashamed to tell you. My daddy is incredible. I am so blessed to be his daughter and to have him love me enough to punish me when I’m wrong and support me through it all. I was even more blessed to have worked with him for three years and so sad to no longer have that privilege.  I love you Rando.

Friday, February 18, 2011

a few pictures from this past summer and fall and a little bit of winter.

first few moments in Disney world with Justin (and Nicole)

First ride at Disney world (for my birthday) with Nicole, snow white

 my Halloween costume, i was snookis Grandma with scooter in all :)

 Nicole and I rocking our awesome outlaws sunglasses

 my best friend Alaina and i
 my newest tattoo, its hebrew for my delight is in her. its from Isaiah 62:4.
me and some of my amazing friends :)
 my friend Jamina and i
 some pretty great girls from church :)
our new years eve bash in Atlanta before Passion

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I know this is a little late but hey better late then never?

I wanted to reflect on this past year, on the good and the hard. Let’s see here, where do I even start? Last year (2010) had a bit of a rough start. I was having such a hard time with reverse culture shock and processing my three months in Africa. I didn’t want to be home and couldn’t find an outlet to plug into. I kissed a frog or two. Met the most amazing women and men, who I now call family. Became a grandma (yes a grandma, I bet my beautiful friend Bianca and her little boy who now calls me grandma wall-e). Started a new job, went back to an old one. Fell back in love with my old job. Cried, too much. Laughed more then I ever have before. Smiled more then before. Struggled with God, took some steps back and then more forward. Went to Disney world! Moved 9 times. Went on a road trip to New York that kind of changed my life in big way. Saw Niagara Falls. Went to my first casino and lost $5. Started healing and trusting God fully. Rediscovered what I really wanted in life and that “good enough” isn’t actually good enough. Successfully surprised my Grandma with updated pictures of us grandkids. Saw one of my best friends marry one of the most amazing men I know. Got another tattoo, yes that makes 5. Felt what forgiveness feels like, while meeting the wonderful blessing Ella. Broke my tailbone. Started this blog. Felt guilt for the first time in a long time. Lost my wonderful great-grandfather. Lost my favorite resident George after 103 incredible and long years. Felt fear and leaned on God to get me through it .This year was hard but I wouldn’t change a second of it for the world because I got all that I could have asked for this past year. Jesus is sovereign and has given me more then enough. I am His and that’s more then I’ll ever need.

When I think about what I want in this year (2011) I simply hope and pray to glorify Him in all that I do. I pray that I may shine so brightly that all see and feel Christ’s love in me.

“for I know the plans I have for you. Declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future”. Jeremiah 29:11

“delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” Psalms 37:4

“for God did not give us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power and of love….” 2nd Timothy 1:7