My word I’ve been slacking a lot lately. Goodness. Well this summer flew by much too quickly. I’ve been super busy with work and church and so much more. Sometime back in July I started babysitting for a girl I work with (who I now call my sister) on Saturdays, which has been so much fun. She has two very handsome little boys who each time I watch I fall more in love with. A couple of weeks ago I took them swimming, Bianca and Kaleb joined us, as well as our amazing guy friends Grant and Brandon. It was so much fun. I loved watching these two grown men melt over three sweet boys who needed love. I love how God uses us, His humble servants to show His love.
Bianca and Kaleb moved out :( we cried. I miss them so much already. Bianca is going back to school and will be taking classes in the evenings so it makes sense for her to move back home that way she isn’t picking Kaleb up at 10 O’clock at night. But doesn’t change that I miss them.
I am so proud of her though. She is the best mother for Kaleb (and father if you ask me).
This week is the last week Brandon and I are leading the Longmont/Lafayette group, after this week we will be splitting into two groups. One in Lafayette and the other in Longmont, Brandon and I will be leading the Lafayette group and hosting it at my house. As always prayers are appreciated.
Sometimes I just can’t get over that this is the life God has given me. He has redeemed me, given me a new start, provides more then enough of everything and He lets me love and serve His people in the coolest ways. It blows me away, He blows me away.
My community group recently went through a relationship series by Andy Stanley. It was really good for everyone in the group, especially for Brandon and I. after our last break ups we both came to the realization that God is giving us this time to work on ourselves and to prepare for our future spouses, which is pretty cool. Its hard to say admit this because I am so impatient but this time is really important because I get to further prepare for my FH (future husband). This time is my time to grow in the Lord and to focus on my ministry full time without distractions, but with that said I’m also trying to keep an open mind to dating again. Guarding my heart while keeping an open mind….harder then it sounds, let me tell you. Man FH is going to be one lucky fella ;)
I can’t say how thankful I am enough, I am so thankful for my family and friends, community and Lord. I have an abundance of love and support. God is so good.
I can’t post a blog without mentioning my residents. There are days when I feel like old people are going to the end of me, but most days I feel so blessed to be serving them. One minute they are yelling at me for who knows what and the next their telling me how pretty I am. Recently we had some tile replaced at work and some pretty good looking young men were doing it and all the little old ladies were right outside the bathrooms where they were working making sure they all got a good peek at them. one of my residents we’ll call her “Christina” kept asking them personal questions like “are you single?” “where do you live?” and lots of others. As soon as he told her he single she went up to her room and put on make up and did her hair. Later she came back down to tell me she was going to get his number for me….suuuure for me huh? Haha how sweet of her… the rest of the week while they worked she flirted. Killed me. gotta love em.