Whoa whoa whoa it's already September? And would you look at that, the last time I blogged was in June....Oops!
What a summer it was. Full of lots of new and oh so exciting things like getting stung by a bee and not only having an allergic reaction but having it turn into an infection that would spread to my elbow and would require several trips to Urgent care and multiple antibiotics. I also had Viral Bronchitis in July, I thought I was going to die. Okay maybe that's a little dramatic, but seriously sucks in the summer. Well either one of those suck any time but summer time is the only time you can be out all day and still want to do something until the wee morning hours, so the fact that most of my summer nights consisted of meds that made me real sleepy didn't help. However this summer was amazing regardless of my health. I spend many nights meeting new people, laughing and growing.
Back in May I started a new relationship...ahh I wish I could better express my excitement for this. In June God revealed a lot to us, which was a little overwhelming for me at first but the overwhelming feeling quickly turned into excitement and joy! God has been SO good. I couldn't have asked for someone more wonderful. We work together at the church so we have a lot of rules that were already in place and that they bent for us, but because of those rules we have to have a lot of check ins and have get permission to do things. So as of right now we are dating publicly and headed towards engagement, in other words we are courting. My family loves him, as do my friends. I often tell my friends I love easy it is to see that God has prepared us for each other, I love how he pushes me towards Christ, challenges me, pushes me to grow as a person and in my faith. Its really beautiful. Although things have moved rather fast we spent months getting to know each other as friends first...well funny story about that all. From February on he would spend Thursday and Friday mornings at the church doing some fund raising stuff for his internship, while he was here he would come and sit with me when he was done and just talk. For months we would sit and talk for hours and hours about everything and anything, all along I just thought he wanted to get to know me since he was going to be working here and in the ministry I volunteer in, turns out he was asking me certain questions to get to know my heart and see where I was in my walk. He tells the story much better than me. He would read Christian dating books before he would come in and ask me the questions they suggest asking. After a few months of this he FINALLY asked me out, once again I had no idea his intentions or what was going on. I was sooo nervous waiting for him to pick me up that night, I remember pacing back and forth anxiously praying for God to make things clear! For him that was it, actually it was a few times before that but this just solidified what he was feeling. We waited a few weeks before we went out again, this time we went down town with some friends. That was it for me, I knew how I felt and didn't want to waste anymore time, I had to have him as my boyfriend. There is WAY too much to write today but just be ready for some exciting stuff in the future.
Just like last summer I spent almost every Saturday with two of my very most favorite little men! Mikhail and Khalil changed a ton this summer, Khalil started talking (his speech is delayed so its hard to understand but he sure is talking up a storm) Mikhail started Kindergarten so this summer was all about him being a big 5 year old. We went to the mile high flea market a few times, I bought a bed frame and refinished it, decorated Erica's room. we hung a fruit bowl and put some fabric hanging on it, redid her closet, got new couches, Alaina got a dog and had to move out, our new roommate moves in a few weeks. I went down to New Mexico for a few days to meet Stefan's family, did a ton with the church with staff and college students. Met all 18 million of Stefan's friends, (he has a really cool huge group of friends, most of them he has known since kindergarten).
I am so excited for this fall though, there is so much going on. I leave for a family trip to Disney world next week, best part is my Bestie Nicole will be joining us! She and I will be getting in some much needed girl time, and we will be in Disney world with the fam! Our college fall retreat is coming up in two weeks, just another awesome event I get to be apart of, Lindley (one of my Africa teammates) is getting married and I'm planning a trip to Mississippi to celebrate this new step in her life with her and some other teammates! My 22nd birthday is coming up ( yes I know I look SO good for 22 ;) ) and SO much more! Fall and summer are my very most favorite times of year, Colorado is so beautiful this time of year and well there is always so much to look forward to!
I say it all the time but trusting in Gods timing is always such a struggle for me, I know He timing and plans are always so much better so why can't I just let go of my own? I really am so excited for what all He has in store for the next couple of months and like always I'm focusing on trusting Him and letting go of my expectations and plans for my life. So here's to a fall full of seeking out Gods plan for me and following Him, let the adventure begin :)