Twenty three things 23 taught me.
1). Waiting on the Lord and sitting idle are two VERY different things.
2). I am indeed attached to my hair
3). being so indecisive makes decisions with lots of options hard, real hard.
4). Pinterest made me believe I could be crafty.
5). Pinterest lied. Well not completely but it definitely gave me false hopes as to how crafty I am.
6). Stress and Chaos means shingles.
7). Being stung by a bee sucks more then I remembered, but then again before this last sting it was just an allergic reaction not both a reaction and an infection.
8). Taking chances with the cute new intern can lead to much more ;)
9). My driving has gotten worse.
10). Dying my hair red is fun!
11). Taking on too much does make everyone around me suffer.
12). FH's name is not Frank Henry but Stefan. :)
13). In order to receive you must have open hands and an open mind.
14). I am not in control, what so ever.
15). Being oblivious sometimes ends well, although my spacey tendencies hardly ever work out in my favor.
16). Letting go of my expectations is the incredibly freeing.
17). I am an old soul
18). I put God in a box more often then I like to admit
19). The routines I start now help in the future.
20). I am worse at remembering names than I remember...
21). I get hangery more then I thought (Hanger: hungry and angry at the same time)
22). I should have taken better care of my car.
23). Gods plan is SO much better than mine! (I learn that lesson ALL the time!)
What a year this past year has been. It has had its ups and downs, but without a doubt a stinking good year. I met my FH, I learned some really hard lessons (like every other year), celebrated lots of fun stuff and worked hard. God allowed some really beautiful things to happen with me and infront of me despite my unwillingness to let go of my selfishness, but it only brought me closer to Him. To say that God is good just doesn't begin to express how good He is. Here's to another year full of His goodness, lessons, new adventures and growth.