Monday, August 9, 2010

first time around.

well this is my first blog ever!! (well besides a bio blog for a missions trip) im so excited, i feel like i should more to say but im drawing a blank....hmm.

im sitting here at work, i should be working but clearly im not. i work at an assisted living in lafayette. its lots of fun, between the people who live here, my fellow employees or the people who come in.

Today has been pretty slow and boring but not without its moments. today i am wearing a skirt with a nice top and heals, nothing too special. But larry, sweet larry seems to think that I look "sexy" (his words not mine). let me give you a a little back story on he and i. larry moved in about a month ago. hes not that old probably around my grandparents age. He's a big flirt which is a little weird with me because im only 21. He is always telling me how beautiful i am or how he would like to marry me. again weird. He has given me flowers food and tons of compliments. he even asked me out on a date once...i graciously declined. tempting oh so tempting. :)

i am super clumsy....its extreme. a couple of months ago i was walking down the stairs well i had started to walk down the stairs when i slipped and fell and broke my tail bone on the first, yes the first step. then continued to fall half way down until finally i caught my balance enough to stand up. well the other day while standing and talking to two of the girls i work with i just fall out of now where. one minute im standing and the nice stuffs flying and im on the ground. one of my residents asked if i was was 10am.

my life is crazy. the weirdest things seem to happen to me. :) but i wouldnt have it any other way


  1. oh Mollie. You write like you speak, just jump from one story to the next. But very entertaining.

  2. Aww I love it! The story of you and Larry cracked me up.
