I have neglected my blog for a while but only because I’ve been so busy lately, it doesn’t seem like anything that exciting has happened since my last post though other then the usual, well maybe a few things have happened………
Last night while I was sleeping I was rudely awaken by loud knocking on my door around midnight. My roommate and I ran into our hallway looked at each other and did what all girls do when they are scared, whined and whimpered. We both had this sheer look of panic on our faces. But can you blame us? Its midnight, we are two young women and we are pretty defenseless at that moment. So after a seemed like 10 minutes of debating on what to do us finally go down stairs and look out the peep-hole mean while creeper is still knocking loudly. But because we didn’t have the porch light on we couldn’t see anything other then the dark outline of what looked like a man. So we stand by the door whispering to each other. And of course creeper is still knocking on the door. Finally he stops and we hear the screen door slam closed so I tell her to run to her room and look out her window to see if she could see anything, but once again it’s too dark to see anything. She and I come up with a plan if he comes back, and crawl back into bed. Needless to say neither of us really slept last night.
I have recently become obsessed with the game super Mario brothers for the WII. Sunday night I was at my friend’s mom’s house and we played it until 2:30 in the morning. We played it so much that I had dreams about it. It’s bad. But I love that game; it’s like the original game for the first Nintendo, but upgraded and even more awesome. I will play it so much that my thumb will get sore. I’m not a video game person by any means but this game is just so fun.
This week marks the one year anniversary of when I left for Africa so this week has been a little rough not to mention that I cried like a baby at airport on Monday when I dropped Justin off. Last night was really hard, as I was laying in bed thinking about what I was doing that night a year ago. I couldn’t help but remember what was going through my head and how excited I was for the journey I was just barely starting. Its so insane how much will change in a year or even three months. I am so thankful that God put every one of my teammates in my life and that He used me in the ways He did in Africa!
My thoughts and prayers are with the Sample family this week as they grieve the loss of their wife and mother Mary Sample. She is with our Lord and Savior Jesus dancing and rejoicing with Him and His angels. Rest in Peace Mary. i was blessed with the chance to serve in Africa with Marys daughter Sydney, I pray God is surrounding Sydney and her family in this hard time.
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