Here is what I packed that I used...
-Nursing jammies.
the hospital gowns are awful and not very nursing friendly so I got these cheap nightgowns from walmart, they have built in pads, which is super helpful get them HERE. I wore these the entire hospital stay after the babies were born, I never felt exposed but was able to be exposed when the nurses came in for checks, easy access for nursing and lightweight for sleeping. Plus c-section recovery friendly.
-a lightweight robe.
I got mine from pink blush (HERE) it was so nice to have a little something more when people came to visit or if I got cold and for pictures. I lived it for months and still live in it all the time.
-Your pillow from home.
hospital pillows are literally the worst, so bring yours and one for hubby if you are nicer than me and think of him.
my friend suggested this, something salty, something sweet and something hardy. I brought gold fish, sour gummies and trail mix. I only ate the gold fish but was thankful I packed other stuff just in case, plus my hubs ate my trail mix when he was hungry while i was sleeping, saved a trip to the over priced cafeteria
-make up.
I brought all of mine, used none but wish I would have at least put on mascara and filled my brows for pictures and when people came to visit.
-shower stuff.
I was so thankful to shower with my own stuff, I just felt so refreshed and like myself a little more.
-twin z pillow or whatever pillow you plan on nursing with.
I brought a boppy but honestly wish I would have brought my twin z, it was nice to have something while I figured out nursing but if you plan on tandem nursing you'll want to learn with what you will actually use.
-going home outfits for babies.
These don't have to be anything super fancy just something cute for them to go home in that you will cry every time you see ha!
-Hats and/or bows.
to help people and you see who is who and keep them warm and a little cuter then the ones the hospital give.
-chapstick and nipple cream
your lips and nips will thank you.
And here is the list of stuff I wish I would have brought with me.
-Jammies for babies.
I only brought going home outfits so my poor babies had to wear those awful wrong sized weird straight jacket things under the hospital swaddles.
-cute swaddles.
forgot these every picture of my two they are wrapped in the hospital issued blankets and had to be double swaddled because again I forgot jammies.
-body lotion.
my skin was so dry after delivery and I was dying for some good lotion or a body butter.
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