Wednesday, May 23, 2018


As cheesy as it sounds I am a big HUGE fan of self care. And I believe it looks very different for everyone but I as a stay at home mom and extrovert I believe for most women it looks something like a spa treatment and time with friends. Now I say spa treatment and realize that sounds way more fancy or boujee than it is. what I mean by spa treatment is anything that is skin, hair or nails related. So that could be an at home face mask, getting a manicure at your fav. nail salon or even a blow out. I mean who doesn't love getting pampered? But in all seriousness sometimes my self care is literally remembering to put on my face cream before bed or styling my hair more than once a week. Or even putting on clothes and leaving the house just to wander around homegoods by myself after the babies are asleep and Stefan has come home.

I shared the other day on my instagram (click HERE to see) a new mask and pore strip I'm obsessed with. And I wanted to share a few other my favorite self care go to's in hopes that you might try them or remember how important it is to fill your cup.

The Tony Moly I'm real sheet masks
the avocado one is my all time favorite
the link to get it at ulta is HERE

The L'oreal pure clay mask 

I got mine at Target HERE

Essie Nail polishes might actually be my love language 

HERE it is in my all time favorite color

My Current face cream 

I am obsessed, one stop shop for day and night. get it HERE

My go to mango margarita recipe:
makes 3-4
-a bag of frozen mango chunks 
-3 oz lime juice 
-one can of lime la croix
-5 shots of your favorite tequila
-3 shots of orange liqueur 
pour all the ingredients into a blender and enjoy!! But BE CAREFUL, honestly you wont be able to taste the alcohol much so these are a leeetle dangerous 


Hope you are able to slow down this week and enjoy some self care and maybe this blog post will inspire you to try something new or do what works for you, you deserve it. TREAT YO SELF :)

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